Games & Apps Design with MS Touch Develop
Course Description
The way in which we interact with computing devices is changing: instead of keyboards, advanced touchscreens become more common; mobile devices are often equipped with more sensors, such as location information and acceleration, and are always connected to the cloud.
Touch Develop is a new programming environment and language from Microsoft built around this new reality. Its typed, structured programming language is built around the idea of only using a touchscreen as the input device to author code. It has built-in primitives which make it easy to access the rich sensor data available on a mobile device.
From Drag and Drop blocks to curly braces, the editor adapts to users skills and allows you to grow at your own pace. Touch Develop features 3 skill levels: beginner, coder, and expert, that provide a seamless transition for learners.
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to
- Apply sequence and repetition in programs.
- Develop variables of different data types
- Design Controls and Events
Develop cross platform scripts
Transition from block-based programming to scripting.
- Improve Soft STEM Skills: Critical, Computational & Creative Thinking
Software & Tools
Take Home / Projects
The link below shows what other people are doing all over the world.
Our approach is to help our students design similar projects or create their own without just coping existing projects.